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Does acupuncture hurt?

Most people enjoy treatment and find it comfortable and restful. However, sometimes the needle insertion feels like a quick pinch that rapidly subsides. An achy heavy feeling sometimes occurs when the needle is manipulated-this is a good response to treatment.

Do you have any alternatives to needle treatment?

For those who cannot handle needles, we also offer laser acupuncture, ear seed application, acupressure, and other forms of treatment such as chiropractic.

How long does each treatment take?

Generally sessions last 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the patient.

What should I wear?

Depending on the condition, loose fitting comfortable clothing works fine. You may bring your own change of clothes or change into the provided gowns.

How many needles will you use? Where on the body will you insert them?

There are over 300 points in the body along 14 meridian channels. Since each patient’s condition is special, each acupuncture point prescription will also be different. Generally, points will be inserted in the limbs, neck, back, or abdomen. Usually 6-12 needles will be used each session.

How many treatments will I need?

The number and frequency of treatment will vary with each individual and the condition treated. Usually, the longer and the more severe the condition, the longer treatment will take. Patient’s own health status, including stress level, diet, lifestyle habits will affect treatment progress.

Does my health insurance cover these treatments?

Most health insurance plans will cover $500 per calendar year for either acupuncture or chiropractic. Below is a list of some health plans that do cover these treatments:

  • Manulife Financial
  • Great West Life
  • U of A staff health care coverage
  • Teachers benefit plan
  • *Please check your respective insurance providers for your specific coverage.

    What is acupuncture good for treating?
  • Acne
  • Allergies/sinus conditions
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Back pain
  • Becl's Palsy
  • Colds/Cough
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Eczema/Psoriasis
  • Foot pain
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Hearing Loss/Tinnitus
  • Immune Boost
  • Increase energy and improve focus
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Sciatica
  • Stomach problems/IBS
  • Strains/Sprains
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • TMJ Pain
  • Weight Control
    Are there any adverse effects to acupuncture treatment?

    Most people experience a sense of calm and relaxation after treatment. However, for those who have difficulty relaxing during treatment, you may experience some mild aches which should subside.

    What is cupping about? Any adverse effects?

    Cupping is a process where circulation is improved by increasing oxygen and blood flow to the weakened area. This allows for faster healing time. Other than some tennis ball like discolourations, there are no adverse effects to cupping.

    Why do they want to look at my tongue?

    The tongue is a mp that tells the state your body is in. It is a window into the health of your organs. We observe the color, shape, moisture and coating.

    Why do they want to feel my pulse?

    We will feel 12 main areas on your wrist. Each area corresponds to an organ on the meridians and provides information to help with diagnosis of imbalances.

    How long do the results last for?

    Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to address the root cause of the problem. Its goal is to restore balance to under or over functioning organs and strengthen the body’s immune system to overcome illness. The effects of treatment are long-acting.

    How should I feel after treatment? Anything I should expect after a treatment?
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out impurities
  • Get lots of rest as may feel quite calm and relaxed
  • Be aware of any changes in sleep, appetite, energy, emotions, and pain levels.
    What if I am healthy? Will I benefit from acupuncture?

    Prevention is the best medicine. Acupuncture will boost the immune system, optimize body functions. Best of all, treatments will help reduce stress, both mentally and physiologically.